Government Agency Safety Program

CLIENT: State Agency in Western U.S.


A Colorado State Agency wanted to create an incentive/recognition program to promote safety throughout the department. Employees are able to earn points for making a conscious effort to be safe in the work place. Different levels of redemption were desired to promote continuous improvement by employees to be safe at work. Points can be earned by attending safety conferences, achieving accident free goals and other safety goals set by the supervisor.


Being a state agency, the department did not have additional funds appropriated to purchase inventory or maintain an online store for a safety program. In the past, items were selected and given to individuals but selection was limited. Items were preselected by the supervisor which made it difficult to keep everyone happy and excited about the items chosen. SOLUTION created an online store that enabled employees to redeem the points they earned through program and have the choice of several items in 2 different levels of redemption. Items could be sent directly to the recipient reducing the time managers spent administrating the previous program. Items were decorated on demand, eliminating the cost of carrying inventory. Employees were happier because they had a choice of several items at each level..